Thursday, December 10, 2009

Relay for Life Kickoff '09 = SUCCESS!

I am very proud of my PR Administration class for planning the Baldwin County Relay for Life Kickoff party... Not only was the candy table and food delicious, but the turnout was awesome and the room looked so festive! At first, we weren't sure if we could pull off the "birthday party" theme the Relay committee asked us to do but we made it happen. With candles and birthday presents all over the room, the joy of a birthday celebration was definitely in the air! As part of the decorations committee, I want to give a special thanks to Cara Wilmer for all her time and hard work. Not only was she sick in the midst of all the planning, but she worked diligently to make the decorations look perfect. Also, a special thanks to Kara Teresi and Lyric Burnette who were also in charge of planning this wonderful event, we really couldn't have done it without you guys. And last but not least thanks to our professor, Dr. Ginger Carter Miller, who guided us from start to finish. Everyone played a special role in the success of this event and I can only hope next year's will be as successful!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Defining "PR"

Defining "public relations"...How difficult is it for you? Apparently it's not so easy for some of my friends. Since being accepted into the Mass Communication program at GCSU, I've been surprised on numerous occasions at the amount of people who have trouble defining PR. When I sat down to think about what to blog about, I realized that the people in the same room with me had a tough time putting their definition into words. Check out the clip of some of my friends hanging out during finals week...even if they don't know exactly what PR entails, they gave it their best shot!