Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Tipping Point

Malcom Gladwell's, "The Tipping Point," is a #1 National Bestseller that describes the social process by which epidemics begin. With the perfect title, Gladwell's book explores the so-called "tipping point" phenomenon - which ultimately determines the way people are selling products and disseminating ideas. As public relations professionals, "The Tipping Point" is the perfect guide for mastering the keys to innovative diffusion and mass acceptance.

For the upcoming Relay for Life kick-off party in November, my Public Relations Administration class has to combine the skills of what Gladwell's refers to as the Connectors, Mavens and Salesmen. These three types of people ALL bring ideas to the table and must work together to make an idea tip. I am confident that the diverse group of women I'm working with will be able to do this.

If I had to choose what category of Gladwell's fits me best, I'd go with the Connector. Gladwell says Connectors are "people with a special gift for bringing the world together" (pg. 38). I wouldn't go as far as saying I have the ability to bring the world together per say, however, I thrive off of meeting new people. I love bringing friends together, and that's what this kick-off is all about. After much thought, I think that the Mavens in our group are going to be the most vital to the success of the event. Gladwell says "what sets Mavens apart, though, is not so much what they know but how they pass it along" (pg. 67). Because these types of people are information specialists, they will be able to provide intricate details that help with our budget and decor. And last but not least, the always persuasive Salesmen. Every public relations group needs a Salesmen. With the power of persuasion, these types of people are tough to resist. Gladwell says these people are "those with the skills to persuade us when we are unconvinced of what we are hearing" (pg. 69). These people will be key players when we work with the Relay for Life committee.

As my class plans the kick-off, we can apply Gladwell's ideas to the ways we utilize our group members strengths. Also, the use of local newspapers and social media is going to to make the epidemic start spreading in the Baldwin County area. As we connect and inform, we will all use Gladwell's insight in the way we think about and plan the event.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day 2009

Hope everyone is JUST as excited about Blog Action Day as I am! I just registered and am not really sure as to what I can contribute...BUT, I will say that climate change is not our friend. I'm sure of this. We must take action in some way, even if we don't know how. Becoming aware of the threats climate change involves is the first step we can all take. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA for short), one of the biggest things we can do is to reduce, to reuse and to recycle. Any Jackson Johnson fans out there know the "3 R's" because of his catchy little song that helps us remember our earthly duties. If you aren't a fan, become one...he's the jam. Back to our topic though: climate change. The earth is melting to say it simply. I don't know how you function at home or what your habits are like, but as a college student, I think we can all try and reduce greenhouse gas emissions when we're on campus. The Clean Air-Cool Planet on-line Campus Climate Action Toolkit (CCAT) is a resource for anyone who wants to to make their campus "climate friendly." Take a minute today to read about what GCSU's committees are doing to facilitate the implementation of more earth friendly amenities on our campus. And to all my fellow bloggers out there, stay classy and have a very very happy Blog Action Day!